An Integrated Platform for Product Development

VReli® Agile Project Management Tool


Select or create a workflow

Organize your workload effortlessly with our Agile-driven to-do list. Benefit from clear prioritization and simplified task management, ensuring that every project starts on the right foot.
Enhance your project's clarity and direction with our systematic backlog grooming, facilitated by cutting-edge agile project management tools. This essential step prevents disarray and maintains a focused, manageable development path.
Maximize your team's efficiency with our 'In Progress' limit. By balancing the workload, we help you avoid burnout and maintain high productivity, driving your project toward success with each step.
Experience quality assurance with our 'Definition of Done (DoD)'. It's not just about completing tasks, but about achieving a level of excellence that sets your project apart.

To-do list can help you keep track of the tasks you need to complete. We use Agile Methodology to break, Prioritize the tasks and manage them more efficiently without any hassle.

In Agile, Project backlog grooming is the key to make sure it stays on track. Without it Project development cannot managed carefully, it could be messy & irrepressible.

In Agile Project Development, In Progress limit would be the maximum amount of work in progress that is allowed at a time in a team to perform their tasks. It helps employees stay focused and meet goals

In Agile, 'Done' is also known as 'Definition of Done (DoD)'. It brings consistency into the project delivery by setting the Quality bar for Final Project.

Agile Project Management Software Tool


Explore Features That Streamline Your Product Management with VReli

Go Agile

Build By Product Guys For Product Development.


Agile Development

Self-organizing teams follow the iterative approach to evolve requirements and solutions

Planning Poker, Retrospective & more

Estimate your tickets and retrospect the sprint

Kanban or listing view

Work with the defects/tickets/stories in Kanban or list to suit your needs

Gain time for Product Development

Explore pragmatic solutions to suit the need of a product team

Product Focused

Build By Product Guys For Product Development.


Requirement Management

Never lose the track of your requirements

Release Management

Never lose the track of your requirements

Defect Management

Hard to match easy defect and ticket reporting

Slack Integration

Integrate with Slack for easy collaboration

Ease To Use

Build By Product Guys For Product Development.



Just put the hashtag to define a relation or add a property

Workflow Customization

Customize the workflow for your business needs

Personalized Dashboard

Let your users enjoy highly personalized and interactive dashboards to get work done faster

Agile Reporting

Monitor the real time Agile metrics and reports

Vreli Plug & Play

Build By Product Guys For Product Development.



Let VReli®; be your knowledge base

Change Control Board

Matches with CMMi standards of CCB


Plan your leaves on time


Let your team manage time efficiently

VReli® Insights

Start growing your business today

VReli® is free for Product Companies with less than 50 employees and USD 5Mn or less in annual revenue